Stepan Christanov
I first got familiar with Indian classical music in 2007 during trip to India. Once in Varanasi, I met Shivnath Mishra – the virtuoso of sitar, eleventh generation musician and the Academy's of Indian Classical Music founder. Shivnath Mishra became my teacher and I stayed in Varanasi to master the art of the sitar play.
I adhere to the classical music tradition, but I also experiment with different sounds combining the sitar with other instruments, voice and electronic music. During my artistic career I've collaborated with various musicians, taken part in European and international festivals.
In addition to playing music, I teach yoga and hold sound healing (musical meditation) sessions.
I'm into creating the Music, feeling the process of people's connection through art, sharing art that transforms the world.
I wish you joy and peace! Be happy!
Sitar and tabla duet
Indian music is rooted in the mists of time, drawing each listener a multi-faceted picture of the world, full of mystery and extraordinary spirituality. My concerts represent a mixture Indian traditions, own music and improvisation. I perform solo or in a classical duo with tabla.
World music
Musical project "Ganges Ragas" - the living and vibrant proof that true friendship between peoples has no borders. Sitar from sultry India, bass from sunny Italy, balalaika - wide Russian soul: the musicians of the project speak the universal language, inspiring our souls for cheerful emotions.
Neoclassical duet of Sitar and Piano
SitarPiano: the duet of Stepan Christanov and Dmitry Mikhaylin is a Union of East and West, the dance of black and white piano's keys and rainbow strings of the sitar, mesmerizing from first to last sound. It is neo-classical fusion with hints of exotic Indian tunes.

18.10 - с проектом Jioti Mantra Band будем петь мантры, Музей-институт семьи Рерихов, 18-я Линия В.О., д.1, Санкт-Петербург
19.10 - сольное выступление в "Хорошие Люди Романтики"
20.10 - "Раги Ганги" в пространстве "Театральная ПРОСТО"
21.10 - Киномузыка с Елизаветой Панченко, "Петрикирхе"
23.10 - Дуэт ситар и табла, "Freedom", Санкт-Петербург
25.10 - УЛЬЯНОВСК: "Мелодия - БРИКС" - "Раги Ганги"
30.10 - Фестиваль "Ситар в Петербурге"
Performances, musical accompaniment, recording, teaching, yoga and meditation –
you can contact for any questions